Become Ignitis ON partner
Own a parking lot next to heavy traffic? Utilise its potential with an EV charging station!
Become Ignitis ON partner
Own a parking lot next to heavy traffic? Utilise its potential with an EV charging station!

Electricity -2,9 %
88,66 €/MWh
91,38 €/MWh
Average monthly prices in the Nord Pool power market in Lithuanian market area
Gas +9,9 %
44,37 €/MWh
40,36 €/MWh
Dutch TTF natural gas front month index prices at the ICE
Monthly overview of electricity and gas markets
What B2B customers say about us
An approach where Ignitis took care of everything, from choosing a power plant to installation and maintenance works, was very convenient for us.

We were happy to take advantage of the opportunity to receive the full solution from a single source.

The information we receive from Ignitis on green energy, how it’s generated, return potential is extremely valuable to us.