Solar powerplant – a sustainable business investment
- Reduce your electricity costs
- Get returns on some of the investments by utilising financial aid from the State
- Create a cleaner future with green energy
Annual electricity demand
What amount of your consumed energy would you like to produce in a solar power plant?
What is the permissible power consumption of the object?
Which solar power plant are you interested in?
*We will provide an individual offer to your company after evaluating the area of your roof or plot, technical specifications of the building, energy user profile and other parameters.
**The buyer of a solar power plant becomes a producing user and produces all the required amount of electricity in his power plant. The buyer's price of electricity from the grid is 25 ct/kWh (without VAT), the price for using the grid is 4.5 ct/kWh (without VAT). The calculation assumes that 1 installed kilowatt will generate an average of 950 kWh of electricity per year.
***The payback period is preliminary and depends on the specific technical solution and installation price.
Ways to acquire a solar power plant
Buying a solar power plant
It is a sustainable investment for a business that does not like to commit financially to any institution and can pay the full price of the power plant up front. Experts at Ignitis will calculate the necessary capacity of the solar power plant to be built on your roof or land plot based on your annual electricity consumption rate, will take care of the necessary documents and will install the solar power plant for you. We also offer additional operation and maintenance services for the power plant.

Buying a solar power plant under a lease purchase agreement
This option is great for businesses that don’t have the funds to acquire and pay the full price of solar power plant up front and want to transfer all technical risks to the investor. The lease purchase agreement option can be used for both solar power plants on the roof and for installing them on your land plot. Throughout the entire duration of the agreement, the power plant will be owned by Ignitis. We will be responsible for operations and maintenance as well as will ensure seamless electricity generation. If you choose this option, monthly settlement procedure for the generated solar energy will be set up.

Renting a solar power plant
This option is great for businesses that want to use renewable energy in their activities, have an appropriate roof or land plot but do not want to invest into or install a solar power plant. You provide an appropriate plot or area – Ignitis will take care of the rest. The price of renting is a percentage discount from the price of electricity you buy. Estimated solar power plant lease term – at least 10 years.

Remote solar parks
A great choice for businesses that do not have a roof or a land plot fit for installing a solar power plant. This is a solution for a sustainable business looking to save money.

We have the trust of the largest companies in the country as well as small family businesses

Baldų gamykla „Svenheim“

Tekstilės gamykla „Devold“

Gyvulininkystės ūkis „Idavang“

Bendradarbystės erdvė „Light House“

Logistikos paslaugų įmonė „Skubios siuntos“

Biuro ir leidybos popieriaus prekybos įmonė „Creolink“
Solar power plant from A to Z: qualified work and constant maintenance
Financing a solar power plant
We offer Ignitis single-point financing for your solar power plant. It is especially convenient when developing a large project or if you have already planned the investments into your direct operations. During the entire period of the contract we will insure the power plant and will be responsible for its operation and maintenance.

Buying and installing a solar powerplant
If you can use your own funds for the investment and are looking for the fastest payback, Ignitis can offer you an optimal power plant solution for your roof or land plot. We will design and instal the power plant for you, you will also be able to choose one of our maintenance plans.

Operating and maintaining a solar power plant
If you don’t have time, human resources or proper knowledge within the company, Ignitis’s specialists will take care of your power plant. We offer our customers two operation and maintenance plans – “Standard” and “Maximum”. Depending on the selected operation and maintenance plan, we will periodically check the power plant, fix failures, wash panels and ensure the maximum generation of electricity.

Buying surplus energy
If your power plant generates more energy than you need for your business, you can sell the surplus to us and receive additional income. We will help you determine the overdraft and will offer the purchase price.

That which was true 5 years ago, now only remains a legend. Let’s bust the myths.
Myth: It is not worth investing in a solar power plant.
Wrong! Solar power plant equipment has become much cheaper and with financial aid your investment will pay for itself within 5–6 years.
Myth: It is difficult to maintain a solar power plant.
Wrong! Solar power plant maintenance is very easy. You can maintain smaller power plants yourself, but we suggest using operation and maintenance services for the larger ones.
Myth: There is not enough sun in Lithuania.
Wrong! Indicators show that sunshine duration in Lithuania is similar to Germany’s, which is leading in total solar power plant capacity in Europe.
Co-working space Light House, from its inception, is actively encouraging the community to conserve nature, stop wasting resources and create an eco-friendly work environment. We are happy to receive an entire solar power plant service package from a single provider, so we did not have to worry about any design, installation, implementation coordination or similar issues.

The information we receive from Ignitis on green energy, how it’s generated, payback potential is extremely valuable. We approach this project with a perspective towards the future and hope that while using the solar power plant for over ten years, we will get the answers to the majority of important questions related to energy generation, based on which we will be able to make further decisions.

The model where everything – choosing a powerplant, its implementation and maintenance – was taken care of by Ignitis was especially suitable to us. It allows the company to focus on its direct operations without going in depth into the aspects of a remote area of expertise. We always knew that we will not take care of it ourselves, we are not experts and don’t intend to become ones. I can’t even tell if it is difficult to maintain the powerplant, we don’t interfere in it at all.

Renewable energy is an important part of our company’s strategy, which is appreciated by our customers and partners. The majority of our products are realized in Scandinavia, where the public is especially conscious about the matter. We installed a solar power plant in Lithuania in order to contribute to nature conservation as much as possible.

Innovative businesses choose Ignitis
The company’s name is associated with a quality standard
Ignitis is operating in the energy market for over 80 years. We carefully maintain our reputation and offer only long-term solutions.
Your power plant will operate for at least 25 years, therefore, a trusting partnership is essential.
One of the leading solar expert teams in Lithuania
We have a lot of experience – our teams have installed over 25 MWp of solar power plants.
We work only with high-quality contractors, we ensure the quality work.
Only the highest quality equipment
We work only with solar equipment that complies with the highest international quality standards, thus we ensure the highest generation performance and long-term warranties.
Flexible financing solutions
You can purchase a solar power plant from Ignitis in instalments over a period suitable to you. We will take care of the maintenance of the power plant during the entire period of the contract.
What should I know if I have decided to buy a solar power plant?
How will the solar power plant affect the structure of the roof of the building?
How do I choose an appropriate capacity for my solar power plant?
What equipment should I choose?
What types of warranty apply to the equipment?
How long does it take to instal a solar power plant?
How to maintain a solar power plant?
* When a customer becomes a prosumer and generates all the necessary electricity demand with his or her own power plant.
** Depending on the financial aid programme.
*** Payback period depends on electricity prices in the market.