Supply of last resort with discount
Electricity price
Calculation method: The price of supply of last resort with discount
- The price of supply of last resort = electricity price of the last month in the Nord Poolpower market in the Lithuanian market area x coefficient of 1.25..
For example, in December 2021 the average monthly electricity price in Nord Pool power market reached 0.21222 EUR/kWh (when multiplied by the coefficient, the electricity price would amount to 0.26528 EUR/kWh), meanwhile, this amount would apply for the supply of last resort during the next month – January 2022.
- Discount = 5%.

Average price in the market in 2021, EUR/kWh
Price of supply of last resort in 2021 m., EUR/kWh
Check the electricity price in the Nord Pool power market in the Lithuanian market area here
Electricity price

Choose this plan, if:
- you want to receive a lower electricity bill compared to the supply of last resort of ESO
- you don’t want significant changes in the calculation method of electricity price
- you seek simple and clear electricity supply services. Electricity price is known one month before the reporting period during which the electricity will be consumed
- you wish to have flexible contract conditions, an open-ended contract
- you intend to buy electricity based on one of the most popular plans we provide to our B2B customers.
What is important to note about the ‘Supply of last resort with discount’ plan?
Supply of last resort includes the supply of electricity to customers who have not selected an independent supplier under the established procedure, or an independent supplier selected by them does not fulfil its obligations, terminates activities or the agreement on purchase and sale of electricity. Supply of last resort is ensured by AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO).
Supply of last resort is a temporary measure for ensuring electricity supply until the customer selects an independent supplier.
The consumers who are ensured the supply of last resort are subjected to the price of the supply of last resort, which is calculated by applying the coefficient of 1.25 to the average electricity wholesale market price in Nord Pool for the last reporting month in the Lithuanian market area. In other terms, the price of the supply of last resort = market price x 1.25. The legislation obligates to ensure the supply of last resort only for up to 6 months, and after that you will still have to select an independent supplier.
The price of supply of last resort is available publicly here.
B2B customers pay for the electricity supplied and consumed during the reporting period in accordance with the provided VAT invoice, where we disclose:
- Supply price based on ‘Supply of last resort with discount’ plan = the price of supply of last resort with discount applied.
- Excise duty = 0.00052 EUR/kWh (for business needs). Excise duty shall not apply if the electricity is generated using renewable energy sources (RES), i.e., green energy.
We provide the bill after receiving the data from AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO).
The B2B customers pay for the electricity transmitted and related services provided during the reporting period in accordance with the VAT invoice submitted by AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO).
Electricity price of the supply of last resort will always be 25% higher compared to the average monthly price in Nord Pool power market in the Lithuanian market area. However, if comparing only a specific month, it may happen so that the price of the supply of last resort was calculated to be lower.
This is because the price of the supply of last resort is applied based on the price of the previous month:
for example, the average monthly price in the Nord Pool power market in December 2021 was 0.21222 EUR/kWh, and the price of the supply of last resort – 0.15978 EUR/kWh. Multiplying the average monthly price in December of 0.21222 EUR/kWh by the coefficient of 1.25 applicable to the supply of last resort = 0.26528 EUR/kWh. This price of the supply of last resort was applied to customers not for December, but for the following month – January 2022.
However, comparing electricity price in the longer term, the price changes are always the same.